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When You Call a Mom a MILF

 Are you ready for this? Here’s what really happens … Photo by  freestocks  on  Unsplash I love the early morning quiet of a weekend to myself. I’m a single mother. I don’t get a lot of quiet mornings. I have a different kind of appreciation for a morning with my children, but quiet mornings on my own are savored — especially when it’s early enough that it feels like the whole world is still sleeping. I’m walking my dog through the morning mist when I stop to check the time on my phone and get the message that punches through the quiet. Apparently, I’m a total MILF. I know that it’s meant to be a compliment, but it misses the mark by a million miles. Somehow, it’s worse that the message comes from someone I considered a friend rather than an anonymous man on the Internet. The morning quiet fell to pieces — or I did. What You Should Know About Calling Women MILFs For the uninitiated, MILF stands for “Moms I’d Like to Fuck”. It’s a pretty direct indicator of the type of interest being ex
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5 Everyday Habits That Make You Age Faster

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